PS: I "re-stacked" this article. Namaste

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This is exactly what I needed to read this morning. Thank you for sharing your insight into putting together a poetry manuscript. Your words are inspiring. PS: I found you when I set up @thefringe999 on substance (I started in Fracebook as #thefringe999). That alone makes this new adventure worthwhile.

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This is a super interesting explanation of process--thank you!

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Thanks so much for this! Very helpful and inspiring ideas to organize separate pieces into a book that has a clear arc and satisfying balance & pacing. Now if I only I could figure out how to choose the top theme for pieces that really could be in multiple categories...!

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"too many driving poems, not enough angels"--I love this as a weird standalone mantra!

But also, as someone working sloooowly toward a poetry manuscript, this is hugely helpful. I am going to use a spreadsheet and the "pile strategy" to clarify my thematic repetitions and obsessions. Thank you both and congrats to Cynthia on the new book (which I'm ordering now)!

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