Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Nancy Reddy

"One thing we can do is stop surrendering our self-worth to the whims of Submittable"--Amen! I am taking a break from submitting my poems for a few months, as I was definitely starting to feel like I was measuring my worth as a writer (and a person?) by my "acceptances." Also, always happy to see some love for Bernadette Mayer :)

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ooh wise! submissions is a wild way that we turn poetry into productivity culture sometimes--smart to step back sometimes for sure.

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Jun 11Liked by Nancy Reddy

It is so hard not to get caught in the end goal. Great reminder!

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it really is so hard! I honestly feel like Sara could have written this directly for me.

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Thank you again for sharing more on the topic of persisting with writing!

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it's so important, at every stage of the writing process! (and I'm so glad to have a different voice here--Sara's perspective is really wise and kind.)

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Love this. “Do not be afraid of your own heart beating.” And writing past (or through) your self-doubt. I’ve been trying to outrun it and now I wonder if I should just embrace the tremors of uncertainty.

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ah, that really feels like the question sometimes, doesn't it? do we outrun it, or do we sit with it? I think, ultimately, we have to do both. I've been trying to do the kind of cognitive behavioral therapy thing of "I hear that mean voice, and I'm setting it aside."

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