Mar 9Liked by Nancy Reddy

I love, love, love how, when Erika was in the thick of parenting, she went out one morning a week to write. Yes! I did the same when my kids were young, but it was one evening a week. And I absolutely agree with her that this can become "an anchor" of a writing life. I share this simple idea with moms who want to write as often as I can. It's gold!

P.S. Nancy, I was at your panel at AWP on incorporating research and it was fantastic! I had to leave a little early or I would have said hello. Now I'm *really* looking forward to your book!

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I always learn from these interviews, and this one especially resonated. Erika has such a unique voice and yet her experience feels so familiar!

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Feb 29Liked by Nancy Reddy

I always appreciate hearing from other writers who write in multiple genres. Also gonna check out this podcast!

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