
Dearest Zofia, you have so much to look forward to, all the love that child brings, all the joy, all the patients you will help or heal, all the challenges of medicine and motherhood that you, too will meet. Enjoy the precious ride. It is wonderful!

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Aug 5Liked by Nancy Reddy, Susan Landers, MD

Thank you for sharing this Nancy and Susan. I am a Neurologist at the beginning of my career and early motherhood, so it is especially interesting for me to read and I am particularly glad to be made aware of Susan's memoir, which I look forward to tracking down and reading.

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thanks for reading! and congratulations on being at the beginning of two such exciting things!

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Love this!! So beautiful that you take time to care for yourself and what a wonderful gift to get to play with your sweet grandkids!! So inspiring. Thank you for sharing your journey 💖💖💖

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Thanks for reading!

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