Jun 2Liked by Nancy Reddy

I am a teacher, so I usually end up with big plans and goals for the summer that are not always attainable. I love how this breaks things down into what is actually realistic.

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putting this together made me realize that I think I’ve always just written a stretch goal, then usually been kind of bummed out that I didn’t hit it! much better to be more realistic and kind to yourself—and to keep in mind that the transition from teaching to writing takes time, especially if you’re transitioning into being at home with kids!

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Love love love the new book cover. I do needed this newsletter’s guidances fir summmer writing goals keeping it simple and doable. Thank you, Nancy.

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Thank you, Eleanor! ❤️

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I’m a teacher so I get excited every June about all the writing I’ll be able to do…and then June comes and I remember that I’m also a mom with school-aged kids to entertain. Whomp whomp.

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