I write during the 4am hour every morning. Start my dough mix, heat the oven, brew my coffee, and sit with pen and paper. Just now, at the start of today's entry, I wrote how I most look forward to this hour every day - that writing at 42 years old reminds me of recess at elementary school - you excitedly know it's coming, the possibilities are endless, and you can never predict what path you'll carve when you set out in the beginning.

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I often write early in the morning, between 4-6 am,, before my children are awake. It's more accessible to me then as opposed to the end of the day. I love lighting a candle, making myself a warm breakfast with coffee, and setting to work in my corner of the couch.

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The Marge Piercy poem inspired my writing and work as an editor decades ago and my Substack (The Real Writer, focusing on a relaxed, playful approach to writing, revising, and immersive creative/craft experiences). I wholeheartedly agree with this message! 😀

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Nancy thanks for this great post. Intentions indeed! I need October to be a very productive month as I begin the 5th draft revision of my novel (the one, hopefully, before an only-needs-a-polish draft that I send out in the world). So I need inspiration to not allow distractions to get in the way of my prime creative time which is very early in the morning, as I rise at 5am. I know how bad it is to look at my phone first thing, and yet I do. And then I like to/need to journal, do a little yoga stretching...by then I'm hungry and before I know it a couple of precious hours have flown by. So I need greater discipline to get to my desk when the fires are simmering at their best. Today, despite the distractions I had to kick out of the way, I managed to revise 12 pages, so that's a start!

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That Marge Piercy poem is one of my favorite north stars for the writing life... the last two lines always put me on notice. Thanks for sharing the care package here too, and for sharing your pitch for Pocket Universe. I've heard from a lot of folks about how helpful it was!

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I love writing in my journal to get the chaos of thoughts out of my head and sort through them, sometimes untangling what's there, and sometimes, when I'm lucky, finding the thread that I want to follow.

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Nancy, what do I love… it’s doing it, even if it’s hard. Not doing it is miserable.

Best for me is sitting with my journal for 10 minutes in the morning (I often extend this but try not to) to spill out whatever is on my mind. When I do this regularly, I begin to discover what my preocupations are. The re-enactment helps me hold on to current thoughts, and to build on them. Since I’m writing mostly essays and poetry these days this is how I discover what I need to say, what’s troubling or meaningful.

What gets in the way? Avoidance, avoidance. What am I scared of?

The next steps are more difficult, actually framing a work, beginning to build a piece. I often get frustrated here, but at least I’ve begun. Then I’m hooked—and though the work is hard, this third and fourth and fifth steps are pleasurable.

I believe the journaling piece is the crucial one for me. A sense of calm is essential, 10 min of yoga stretches helps get me there. I will add clearing of my desk the night before—giving the journal pride of place, quieting everything that could interrupt….

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Thank you for this, Nancy! Love the prompt to think about what you love about your practice -- and how to create more space for it

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I really enjoyed this post Nancy! Especially the poem you quoted.

Something I needed to hear today. And will need to hear again next week no doubt. And I laughed about the bigger planner and new system fixing all your problems. I do the same

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I’m thrilled you have a messy writing desk too. Mine is in disarray and I often wonder if my thoughts, hence writing, would be more organized if my desk was neat. Does my desk reflect my chapters? This could be an essay.

I do love when I am in it. Involved. At my standing desk. Undisturbed. I also love taking cuddle breaks with my dog.

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Wow! This resonates big time! Thanks for this.

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