Sitemap - 2021 - Write More, Be Less Careful

count it up

ways to start

Do not hurry; do not rest

practical tips and embracing the weird: an interview with scholar and writer Kate Vieira

back to writing/week 7 check-in

claiming your time

back to writing/week 6 check-in

considering habits and setting the table: an interview with poet Bronwen Tate

back to writing/week 5 check-in

do one small thing

back to writing/week 4 check-in

little experiments

back to writing/week 3 check-in

word count goals, writing sprints, and using twitter for good: an interview with Rachel Mans McKenny

back to writing/week 2 check-in

how to build an accountability system that works for you

back to writing/week 1 check-in

the secret to finding time to write

setting your vision

back to writing!

ready to run

a revision prompt: applying layers

what we measure: on writing and counting

serious rest

there is no trick

a nutrient-dense action for your spiritual interior

a few quick thoughts on running away

Start Where You Are

poem #30: more real things

poem #29: making a list

poem #28: a dramatic hair cut

poem #27: what you've been avoiding

poem #26: all this beauty

poem #25: perhaps

poem #24: close-up

poem #23: wishful thinking

poem #22: the scrap heap

poem #21: like wild mint

poem #20: yinz guys

poem #19: terrible, horrible, very bad, no good

poem #18: listening

poem #17: aperture

poem #16: random assignment

April 15: a little mid-month check-in

poem #14: talking back

poem #13: begin again

poem #12: opposite day

poem #11: lazarus

poem #10: things that aren't there anymore

poem #9: liking sentences

poem #8: the speaker and the shadow

poem #7: new real things

poem #6: time travel

poem #5: a poem nub

Prompt #4: Facts and Figures

poem #3: monster mash

poem #2: transformations

poem #1: real things

How to Start: April's poem a day

poetry prompts with an emphasis on revision, process & play