It sounds like the silliest problem to have, but I feel like I keep getting sidetracked from the actual writing by the weirdest concerns- like should I be typing it out on a computer or writing in my notebook! And it’s silly because I’ll often know what I want to be do doing (like in the case of this example I want to write longhand) but I get paralyzed by this idea that there’s a way to do things that’s inherently “better”. I’ve decided to turn these doubts into the content for my newsletter but I’d still love to know if this is even a real problem to have!

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I think the desire to do it "right" (in writing or anything else) is such a relatable obstacle -- but I'd say just pick something and move forward!

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What a great idea. I'd love to hear more about submitting to contests for the money and recognition vs submitting your work to a publisher to see it in the world sooner.

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This is beyond kind and I am so grateful. Trying to decide if I should try to make writing a full-time gig (have it pay the bills) or get a job so I don't stress but have WAY less time to write. I know this is such a personal thing to think about—I really want to go full time, but not sure what freelancing can look like.

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What a generous offer!

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Yo this is awesome! I am trying to work out whether to build a freelance writing business or stay in a job I absolutely hate and which doesn’t pay enough and use my extra time to edit and do the find-an-agent thing with my novel.

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I have trouble prioritizing the micro and macro, or maybe I should say the important with the urgent. (Examples: I'm telling myself just to write on a new project, but now I think I'm putting off writing a proposal and having to think of the arc. Or: I'll think of an idea I can't do in the very near-term but then sometimes lose sight of it altogether. And yes, I make lists.) Thanks! What a cool offer!

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My system. I'm doing daily letters of inspiration and a recipe. I think the core of what my newsletter is to inspire and to make people more alive and connected to the TRUth the we are GOd

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